Conversare – holding and evolving

By this title I indicate, firstly, that Conversare in the Adelaide Central Market (ACM) is currently ‘on hold’.

Meaning that there are no events scheduled in this venue for the immediate future. This happens through my meeting recently with the chairman of the board of the ACM. Who indicated to me that the ACM would soon be making a public announcement regarding a partnership with a significant social enterprise. And that “once this was confirmed he would suggest we wait until it has occurred and then we can put you in touch with this incoming organisation for mutual benefit.”

In the meantime here are some core ideas on just what Conversare is and on why and how it could be of great interest to people in a variety of organisations all around our little planet, 3rd from the sun.

“I once said, rather fancifully but it is something I believe, that the central arena in history is one human being talking to another. And listening, of course. That exchange.”
Athol Fugard, South African playwrite

“Conversation is the greatest of the arts.”
Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller

Who may enable people to recognise these elements of lively experience? And put them into practice?

“The role of the artist is to reveal to society a new outlook on life and the world.”
Dorritt Black

(Adelaide born artist Dorritt Black (1891-1951), one of Australia’s foremost modernists and one of the most important artists of her generation).

“I might push all this a little further and say that the business of art is creating those suggestive open spaces in which the human spirit may grow. Thus in powerful graphic art, the painter opens a way for you to enter in. Picasso was a master at this.”
Suzanne D

In my role of what I call ‘Conversational Artist’ I have taken these seminal concepts ‘to heart’ and to action. Combining them into something highly practical and, in the words of numerous previous participants, “interesting, illuminating and enjoyable.”

Which is a particular way of coming together at social events which I have named ‘Conversare’. From the Latin ‘to turn or to dance together’.

In essence, this is a means of bringing ‘spirit’ out to play! Which happens in the course of everyone present engaging in conversation, in pairs, over a meal, to explore … their common humanity.

viz, each pair of participants may come to experience being a ‘human being’ through questioning such as ‘what are each other’s main interests’ and ‘what brings – or doesn’t – each other joy or pain’?

In other words, “What it is to truly be human.”

This form of being together is not to do with conversing with people of different political or religious beliefs.

Hosting – a core feature of Conversare

By this, I indicate that this particular way of interacting is under the ‘baton’ of a skilled host. This person does the welcoming of all comers, provides guidelines on the nature of the event, and indicates that the essence is to engage conversation, in pairs, over a fine meal.

The host also makes clear that ‘whoever has chosen to come along is one of the right people’. And that everyone present, in sharing their mealtime with one other, engages in conversation on topics such as those outlined above.

For these ‘aspects’ of life can be shared and explored by pairs of ‘conversationalists’ whatever their respective backgrounds and status may be.

Evolving – ideas on potential applications of this way of being together in order to bring ‘spirit’ out.

How about these kinds of places for you to consider to bring to their attention:

1. Organisations of various kinds, for-profit or not for profit. Businesses and community.

2. Particular target groups such as people who would appreciate an opportunity to socialise in this way. Among these could be people who experience loneliness in their lives. Who, from a ‘nudge’, could be encouraged to come along to an event.

3. Community centres or social clubs to introduce this as a ‘periodic’ feature among their range of activities. As a novel, interesting and enjoyable way of members to get to know each other more deeply. 

4. Another ‘big issue’ to consider is to establish this way of being together in shopping malls. In areas set aside periodically for this to happen. For these are places in which there is virtually no human contact except for that with shop staff.  What if the management would take on professional Conversare hosts to do this? This could take a bit of imagination and work. But just consider the ‘kudos’ from far-seeing enterprises who took the initiative to set this up!

              I wonder how these possibilities resonate with you?


Looking forward

Al (formerly Alan) Stewart, PhD
Social Artist
Facilitator of conversations that matter and participatory fun
Senior Fulbright Scholar


“Whenever we treat each other well good things happen”. Al Stewart

And here’s a thought to stir your cockles:

“Be yourself. And be it well.”

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