Conversare – for friendly Face 2 Face conversation in a wondrous place
How often do you have the opportunity to talk with someone in ways that you feel enjoyable and satisfying?
In conversation in which there is mutual interest, expressed by being curious, careful questioning and listening of each other.
If I suggested, ‘not often’ would this be accurate?
For in today’s world there are so many ways that make us feel disconnected from others. Whether it be the 24 hour news cycle and/or our personal ‘busyness’. Perhaps of personal circumstances in which we feel isolated and hungry for lively company.
What could happen if there was a lovely opportunity to sit down and have an extended chat with a like minded person, in a place especially suited to doing this?
In which everybody finds someone they don’t know with whom to talk about their respective backgrounds and interests.
In which all present are fully engaged rather than being spectators.
Over a fine, simple meal. In a context in which all others are doing the same.
In the hands of a person skilled in the art of welcoming everybody present. Who provides clear guidelines on the nature of this new kind of social gathering. Also of the idea that ‘we are here to give not to get’. Who indicates too that by doing this we all contribute to the spirit of the event and to what we each may feel about being a welcome participant.
If this appeals to you and if you live in Adelaide in South Australia the opportunity to have this experience is readily available to you.
No matter who you are and whatever your background, young or older, wherever you are from, whatever your level of education … Everyone who chooses to come along is welcome.
These events are held in public places.
Would you believe, currently and regularly, a truly wonderful space, the ‘Gouger Street dining area’ in the ADELAIDE CENTRAL MARKET! After trading hours on weekday evenings. (The Market is open for business at night only on Fridays).
Easy access by public transport and plenty of car parking nearby.
For a bit of fun see this comment by a person who became a firm friend when she was in Adelaide a couple of years ago as one of the star attractions of the Adelaide Fringe, Penny Arcade.
If all this appeals to you – how could it not <smile> – please feel welcome to join.
Bookings can be made easily here.
Looking forward.
Go well
Alan Stewart
Social Artist
Facilitator and Ambience Director of conversations that matter and participatory fun
Blog: Conversare
Member: National Trouble Makers Union
Residence: Adelaide, South Australia, since 1975
With time away in Hong Kong (2005-2011)

“Whenever we treat each other well good things happen.”
Al Stewart
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