Conversare Blog

Can we talk? Yes we can!

The American comedian, Joan Rivers, by asking her signature question, “Can we talk?” invited all of us both explicitly and implicitly to confront the question, “Can you and I talk?” The history of her...

What Conversare could mean for you

The first of these novel events in Australia happened on 26 March 2012. The company was lively and friendly.  The venue, the Whitmore Hotel in Adelaide, was beautifully set up for the occasion and...

New developments on the wind

Hello again To let you know that there will soon be substantial changes to this site, both in design and content. These are related to remarkable developments associated with my being back in Adelaide...

About one element of magic associated with Conversare

There are several dimensions of Conversare gatherings which may be considered ‘magical.’ For the way in which all participants interact with each other is very different from that in more common kinds of socialising....

Have you ever been told you are a 'right person?'

“Amazing is the word I would use to describe tonight … the connections and discussions … truly inspiring and thought provoking … I really enjoyed it. Thank you. ”  Jes S “It’s a  good...