Conversare – an opportunity for growth through connecting
“If we don’t take risks we don’t grow.”
How do these ideas resonate with you?
Do they give you a sense that coming along to have a conversation over a meal with a stranger is ‘risky’ and yet something which may turn out to be a truly worthwhile experience?
Given that everybody present is doing something similar and that you are among other lively risk taking spirits! All of whom treat each other with respect and with welcoming smiles.
Just what does it mean to ‘grow’?
Among possible ‘takes’ on this is that we let go of our fears of connecting with people and become more confident of who we are and how we engage in – and contribute to – the world around us.
Does this appeal to you?
Likely deep down it does, for this is the natural order of our being. We are all social creatures at heart. We do what we can, against all odds, to connect with others. Our social brains urge us to reach out, even when the world seems hostile.
And yet opportunities to do this are often difficult to find, or to recognise.
This is where Conversare comes into play!
With the name deriving from, the Latin con versare – to turn or to dance together.
These events, in which everyone who comes to participate – the right people whoever they are – engage in conversation, in depth, mainly with one other fellow risk taker. With a starting question from each other, “What has attracted you to be here?”
But before you find your dinner partner, and after the meal, there is ample opportunity to chat with others.
Here is more about what Conversare is and how previous participants report their experience.
Perhaps the essence of these events can be recognised in these two perspectives of ‘connecting’. <smile>
Wholesome, respectful, ‘growth promoting’ , high learning and often reported as ‘most enjoyable’ Conversare events:
. are now a regular feature of night life in the Adelaide Central Market.
. have been used to enable all delegates at an international conference to converse over a meal with someone they had not met previously.
See the interview about this happening at the World Open Space on Open Space 24 in Manila, Philippines on 10 November 2016
. Will be a part of the Adelaide Fringe 2017 on 28 February and 3 March 2017 at the famous cafe in the West, Sarah’s Sisters Sustainable Cafe in Semaphore.
Looking forward
Alan Stewart, PhD
Facilitator of Conversations that Matter and Participatory Fun
Senior Fulbright Scholar
Book ‘Time to converse – at the heart of human warmth’

“Whenever we treat each other well good things happen.”
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