Conversare – some underpinning principles and values

Conversare is for people who wish to open up their lives. People who recognise that these novel events are an exciting and intriguing way of doing this, whatever their stage of life.

These are adventurous spirits who recognise that this new way of socialising could be a step into the unknown, being different from how they usually relate to the world around them – and with the potential to have unexpected outcomes.

Conversare events are designed to provide invigorating and enjoyable experiencing for all participants. While it might at first sight they could seem to be a little risky, you would no doubt appreciate that there is no possibility of leading a life of fulfillment and adventure without some risk taking!

“If we listened to our intellect, we’d never have a love affair. We’d never have a friendship. We’d never go into business, because we’d be cynical. Well, that’s nonsense. You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
Ray Bradbury
American science fiction writer

They are also to co-create contexts in which those who have such experience may become more conscious of the kinds of principles and values on which these gatherings are based.

These ‘underpinnings’, rooted in modern face-to-face facilitation processes, are designed to promote rich conversations about issues that matter. Among these processes which with I am familiar are Open Space Technology, the World Café and the Art of Hosting.

One of the longstanding practitioners of these noted:

“I work with both Cafe, Open Space, … the bottom line is that these are not tools, but ways of being.  [My emphasis] They are experiments in how human beings can be together in a way that nurtures their spirit and the blue planet we live in. These processes work when they serve a deep and meaningful intent for all those gathered.”
Tim Merry

The ‘intent’ of how these processes are usually brought to bear is to enable participants to address complex issues in ways that lead to constructive outcomes derived from harnessing collective intelligence and associated wisdom. There is much evidence of the effectiveness of these approaches and growing awareness of the value –and urgency – of using them widely.

Conversare events are also facilitated or hosted conversations.  With the difference from the more usual role of such practitioners in that there is no ‘issue’ on which to focus and no particular outcome to aim for.

For now the attention of the participants is on the connecting which happens during the event. With no thought of what may happen afterwards.

How well they ‘work’ may be considered in part to be related to the experience and skill of the person doing the hosting.

Also, however, are the underpinnings of the conduct of the gatherings, to which potential participants are alerted through the invitations to come along. And so appreciate that all present have a contribution to make through how they participate.

Here are thoughts about such underpinnings, drawn from diverse sources. Some are recorded from longstanding ‘traditions’ which emerge as periodic reminders in sources such as the lists of the facilitation processes mentioned above:


.  A consciousness that to participate implies wishing to ‘give’ rather than ‘get.’

. Be curious about the people you will meet and especially the stranger with whom you will converse.

. A deep respect for one another as individuals.

. A fundamental belief in human goodness and each person’s ‘will to do good.’

. All present have a role to play in the success of the ‘once in a lifetime’ event.

. We are in this together and to treat each other well.






Banner of ‘We are in this together and treat each other well’ being
placed on display prior to an event

Could the sentiment expressed here be at the core of other kinds of gatherings?? And could it make a difference to the culture (the way we do things around here) of the organisations which adopt it?


. Whoever comes are the right people.

. Whenever we treat each other well good things happen.

. The main way in which we treat each other well is through conversing.

From Latin con versare – to turn or to dance together.

. Wherever it happens is the right place. Such contexts can be thought of as  ‘generous little havens of old fashioned goodwill.’

To practical matters …

As you likely intuit there are diverse needs which could be met by coming along to a Conversare event, among which of those who:

. are hungry for meaningful conversation

. feel socially isolated.

.  are in a transition phase of their lives.

.  desire a break periodically from their digital connecting.

.  enjoy meeting new people.

.  are new to a place, perhaps as migrants or refugees.

.  like the idea of engaging with people of different ages and backgrounds.

And of those who appreciate that one way of doing this is to meet people from different walks of life, different first languages and whose stories they could not imagine.

To add:

As mentioned previously there is a strong possibility of one of the next venues for Conversare events being in the Adelaide Central Market. This would be in the ‘long table’ area, after trading hours, in a space which is used at such a time only on a Friday night. See photo.








I met recently with the new Manager to explore this. He was encouraging and asked that I put a proposal to him for consideration by the board of the Adelaide Market Authority. I have done this and am awaiting the response.

Do you recognise the the potential benefits to participants and venues from this enterprise, and also for a new career option for people who have a passion for the kind of facilitation?

Looking forward

Alan Stewart, PhD

PS Here are comments recently received which you may also perceive as being delightful:

. On the new print edition of my book Time to converse – at the heart of human warmth.

“I enjoy the way in which the book can be opened at any page, anytime and there is conversation and not a little wisdom!  (and CCD and con-doms – very funny).”
Elspeth Findlay

On the experience of participating in a Conversare event.

“The room was filled with people of all ages in a way that felt natural and as if we had all come home. The dialogue was engaging, but the overall feel of being part of a greater joining is what comes to mind.”
Karen Head

“It was a great exchange and a new understandings and unexpected connections emerged.”
Juanita Brown

“Bringing people together in a free wheeling manner such as you offer is so valuable. I know from the various events you hosted in Hong Kong. It encourages people to look at new things and ideas and avoid the tendency to be confined to one career approach or mentality as you meet people from all sectors and cultural backgrounds…and variety is the spice of life!”
Vonnie Boston






















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