Conversare – comments about this being another way of opening space

“Open Space wherever, however, whenever, with whomever as often as you can.”

Harrison Owen’s periodic inspirational ‘dictum’ <smile>

Last year (2016) I posed a question on the OSList “Can one be a space opener in contexts in which the purpose is to relate well to others present rather than to address a complex issue with an expectation of creative outcomes?”

The language becomes tricky here. For is ‘opening space’ only to do with the principles and practice of Open Space Technology operating through of the format of sitting in a circle and co-creating a market place from  topics nominated by anyone present related to the resolution of complex issues?

Or can opening space be done independently of this format yet still invoking the principles of OST?

Here are comments on this from several experienced OST practitioners.


Thank you for raising this topic!

I’ve become more and more confident that “Open Space Technology” is only one of many potential technologies that opens space.

Yes, the Universe is self-organizing since before the beginning. Even so, it still seems to work to sit in a circle and open a marketplace, etc.

Electricity has always been around. It’s still a good idea to set up our circuits properly, and pay attention to Ohm’s law, etc. etc. etc.

I love it that Anne has thought about opening space in her own heart, and that you are looking at opening space in one on one conversations with your Conversare (which I have experienced and enjoyed). I’m glad others are seeing this as a growing area of study, awareness, and discovery! I look forward to learning and hearing more.”

Warm Regards,

Harold Shinsato
twitter: @hajush

Anne Stadler:

“Here’s my current POV [point of view]:

Opening a Marketplace is ONE form for OST. In my view all sorts of forms exist.

On all occasions, the “space” i open FIRST is the heart space within, via emptying my mind & getting meditatively in touch with the intention I’m called to take responsibility for. Then the form of the open space will become evident as the opportunity clarifies.

A hallmark of opening space with others for me is I must explicitly invite them to “take responsibility for what you love” (Law of Two Feet) or “follow what has heart and meaning.”

So conversare as you describe it, Alan, would be OS for me, if you’d invite that. In using this approach to conversare, I would encourage people to follow their hearts or intuition & find another person to talk with; asking that person what he/she cares about, & discovering the resonance/connection that exists between you.”

Your Self

A world that works for ALL is a world of love made visible

Address: 18468–47th Place NE
Lake Forest Park, WA
98155, USA
Phone: 206-459-0227
Skype: anne.m.stadler


michael herman:

“i would say, absolutely, yes, alan.  this IS open and opening space — fully within the wherever, whomever spirit.  on structure, there is the container that is offered, and then all of the decisions that are made within it.  you make the offer and leave the details to the paired participants to work out for themselves.  i think there is a big question or theme, even if it’s not explicitly stated.  there is a big thing to work out together, and it’s going to take everyone.  maybe the articulation of this would be something along the lines of the bit you shared at vosonos, about “loving the one in front of you.”  there is nothing in the definition of open space that says we have to limit ourselves to questions on which we can make “measurable” progress in 90 mins or 2.5 days.  quite the opposite, i think!  thanks for all of this.”
Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

From a different but related perspective, in regard to holding events in public places, this feedback on his experience of being a Conversare participant:

“I think that the conversare idea is one of those ideas fitting with my sense that we need to recapture public spaces for good relating… we have been systematically losing public spaces and time together spending in them (which, after all, makes them ‘public’!) and leaving it to the ‘developers’ to ‘develop’ them in enclosed ‘private’ spaces (which are, of course, immediately filled with the ‘public’ messages from our screens and social media connections) … “
Jacques Boulet Borderlands

See: Places and process


“Here’s something from Alan Stewart. It’s Adelaide where he lives.

As you can see, Alan has had great fun hosting these Conversare’s in ALL kinds of places. And where they suddenly show up. He’s been known to start one on the street, including a couple of times in St Pete at the World Open Space on Open Space in 2013.

Hope you’ve joined the Open Space e-list for regular info from Alan and others who are passionate about conversations.

Sharon Joy Kleitsch

The Connection Partners, Inc

–  linking people, resources and ideas

St Petersburg FL 33701


To conclude:

I wonder if you see that responses above to my question are in accord with both Harrison’s reminder to:

“Open Space wherever, however, whenever, with whomever as often as you can.”

And that ‘opening space’ can be done in ways that are based on principles of Open Space Technology yet have a different purpose and format?

Ways through which many people all around our little planet, 3rd from the sun, could engage in ‘good talk and enlivening connecting, rebuilding community trust and connectivity’.

Can you see yourself doing this kind of facilitating/hosting? Ways to go for you? <smile>

Looking forward

Go well

Al  (formerly Alan)


Al Stewart, PhD
Social Artist
Facilitator of conversations that matter and participatory fun
Senior Fulbright Scholar
Member: National Trouble Makers Union
Based in Adelaide, South Australia

Book  ‘Time to converse – at the heart of human warmth’

‘Whenever we treat each other well good things happen’