Conversare – particularly for urban dwellers

There are perhaps two primary needs which can be met by these conversational  gatherings in the midst of cities.

One is being in the company of lively people purely for the enjoyment this brings. Do you hanker after the full feeling of delight that profound conversation can bring?

In a context in which there is no business to conduct, no outcomes to consider. There is the remarkable opportunity to experience being among like minded spirits and having enjoyable and fascinating encounters.

Which brings up the other main reason why people come along. This is because they experience feelings of loneliness and wish to be in the company of people who will welcome their presence.

A beautiful – in many ways – book entitled ‘Mindfulness and the Art of Urban Living‘ by Adam Ford (Leaping Hare Press, 2013) has recently come to my attention. In the section on ‘Loneliness in the city’ the comment is made that:

‘We have become, in the twenty first century, a restless people who move home a lot, mostly for economic reasons, and that often leads to the breakdown of family life and to a sense of isolation and loneliness.’


‘We can build or own urban networks, create our own personal community of friends and contacts, but it takes time, creative energy and some tolerance.’

Conversare is purpose designed for people who wish to extend their connections to kindred spirits and who recognise that a starting point is to give of themselves by being interested in others.

For at this kind of get together anyone who comes along is ‘the right people.’ You will be regarded as such by the others present, regardless of your background.

Likely another purpose of being present is warm connecting with others who you have met when attending previous gatherings.

The next one, in Hong Kong, will have this element as most of those coming have attended one or more events. And have expressed how much they relish the opportunity to meet with those who they have previously as well as others.

In an earlier post this year I noted how well this way of being together was accepted in the US.  See:  Conversare in America

And have alluded to the idea that being a Conversare host could be a most fulfilling component of a career as a facilitator of conversation processes.

Do feel free to contact me if you see a glimmer of an opportunity in accord with your purposes and wish to explore what is entailed in organising and hosting this kind of event in your local neighbourhood.  

Go well

Alan Stewart
Based in Adelaide, ‘Downunder’

Currently having a wonder-full time in Hong Kong reconnecting with old friends and favourite places.






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