Conversare kicking off soon in the Adelaide Fringe

As readers may be aware this new kind of social process – in which people meet in a public place such as a pub or a cafe and have a wholesome encounter with someone they don’t know – is looming up as an integral component of the Adelaide Fringe Festival.

At which there will be a different host for each of the three events:

. 22 Feb    Tim Walsh
. 1 March  Alan Stewart
. 8 March  Ruth French

Below is a synopsis of what intrepid spirits may experience from participating in one of these.

Which, as you may appreciate, has the potential of being interesting, lively and memorable, for starters!

I wonder if you see that this could be a way for people such as colleagues, business associates or members of particular communities to get to know each other in a context which is different from that of their more usual meetings?

Some key features of Conversare gatherings that may resonate with you. In no particular order these are:

.  the purpose is to enable participants to each engage well with one ‘previously unknown’ person and with the others present.

.  the core activity is conversation in pairs to express interest in each other through thoughtful listening and questioning.

.  an opportunity to have face to face conversation in a context in which everyone present is ‘the right people’ and welcomed as such.

.  an experience of conscious conversation.

.  a way to enhance ‘connectedness’ between people in a context in which everyone present is a full participant.

.  may be seen as a spiritual, healing activity.

.  a relaxed, convivial interaction with someone outside your circle of family and friends.

.  essentially wholesome fun!

.  ‘bringing conversation to life.’

.  people actually talk!

.  rich conversation happens between people who may have not met previously.

.  a rare opportunity to engage well with a stranger with no expectations except to have a lively,
enjoyable and likely fascinating encounter.

.  a once in a lifetime meet up.

.  a response to the huge challenge to create space for conversation in a world where the amount of stimulus is rising exponentially.

. a host co-creates the context by holding space in which this happens.

. seeing the equal human in front of you.

.  a ‘gift’ to look into the eyes of somebody else, and see yourself – recognise that the other person is you!

. come to appreciate that to participate rather than being a spectator is an ever more important – vital, critical – skill.

.  “Conversare … I love the sound of the word and everything it evokes.”


In the end, connecting with others in the present moment of life is all that matters.”
Suzanne Daigle

Comments of people who have participated in previous events:

“Thanks for being our host for the evening, which once again was most enjoyable and meaningfully memorable! I really appreciated the hospitality of spirit which you have given to us.”

“It is hard to describe the how greeting others in a public place can be so comforting.”

“I experienced it as “simple and deep – a spiritual adventure.”

“Moving out of one’s ‘comfort zone’ into the true comfort of really speaking, really listening but light heartedly.”

Having seen the above features, do you intuit that there may be others?

Alan Stewart
Social Artist










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