Bringing conversation to life

In my recent post I indicated that a suggestion for a possible subtitle for Conversare was:

                               ‘Bringing conversation to life’

And that this raised a possible alternative:

                                ‘Bringing conversation into life’

In that post I listed responses from people who had opted for the latter.

Here are some who chose ‘to life’ or were ambivalent. Or who added ‘insightful’ extensions.

For ‘to life’:

The first. Several meanings, all apposite.

I’ve rolled each phrase around in my head a number of times.  I find that I land, solidly, in a state of excitement by the resonance in my head caused by the phrase, “Bringing conversation to life”.  So, there you go…

Delightedly ambivalent

I like the idea that conversation and life are so intertwined that one almost becomes the other – and either of your phrases suggests this – I couldn’t decide.

Overarching comments

“this might be a little charmingly ornery of me– i’m a little resistant to incline to one or other characterization/byline for Conversare. I think if it is absolutely necessary for there to be a phrase to describe Conversare it will come on its own and you will know it.

also, i think of the many social technologies that have gotten out there and gotten established (of course, you may not think of Conversare as a social technology)– OST (Open Space Technology), NVC (Non Violent Communication), Focusing – none of them had a short phrase to my knowledge….

so, if i had a thought, it’s just a wish that you keep on doing Conversare and keeping the conversation going!”

I was delighted to read your propositions and comments.  Here is my take:

For life to reclaim its wholeness, we all need to heal ourselves.

This means that we need to restore lost connections. This can happen through healing our Vision, our ways of seeing. This can happen by bringing more Conversation (conversare) into life…dancing, playing, interacting together for the sheer Joy of it!

One can bring conversations into life, only when the conversations  are alive and well and thriving. Only then will they act as processes of healing , as medicine for a fragmented and disconnected world.

For this, we will need to bring conversations to life. We will joyfully resurrect the dying conversation and breathe the Spirit of Life into it through Artful Hosting which you have aptly described.

This way, conversations brought to life, and then introduced into life, will enable humanity to reclaim the Wholeness that already exists.

And here are ‘apposite’ comments by participants in recent Conversare events in Adelaide.

At our last gathering I realised that community can still be discovered at the end of the street.

I see great value in having contexts in which people experience interacting well with strangers no matter who they may be. For the way we are treating our planet reflects how we treat each other.

I wonder how all this resonates with you? And if you can see possibilities for contexts in which these ideas may be of value>

Alan Stewart



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